Aaliyah Rug


Size: 153 cm x 260 cm
Rug Style: Hand-Knot
Pile: Low
Materials: 100% live sheep’s wool, organic spice blends for dye.

This rug was handwoven by Meriem. Meriem belongs to a womens-only association in Anzal, located about 30 kms north of the popular weaving town Tazenakht. The Anzal collective was founded in 2007 and is kept alive by women passing the craft down through each generation of artisans.

Meriem and her sister Fatima work closely together in combination with their mother Malika.

Made with 100% "live" wool, Meriem and her sister carded, spun and dyed the wool by hand. The colourful design was derived by a blend of natural spices and plants such as indigo, saffron, henna, and pomegranate skin, just to name a few. Delicious!

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